PTA is an organization that is composed of parents, teachers, and staff that desire to make parent participation in the schools better. This allows parents to become involved in their children’s education, share their ideas & thoughts to improve their school communities. It aswell gives parents the chance to serve on School Leadership Terms and/or Community Education Councils to reach out to parents and involve them in school life. School activities such as open houses, meetings, and Parent-Teacher Conference or like in this school we call it, Student-Led Conferences.
PA Meetings
Parent Association General Membership meetings are as follows:
6 PM- 8 PM (8-8:30 clean up time)
Thursday, September 19
Thursday, October 17
Thursday, November 21
Thursday, December 19
Thursday, January 16
Thursday, February 27
Thursday, March 19
Thursday, April 23
Thursday, May 21
Thursday, June 18
SLT Meeting Dates
September 10, 2019
October 8th, 2019
November 12th, 2019
December 3rd, 2019
January 7th, 2020
February 11th, 2020
March 10th, 2020
April 21st, 2020
May 12th, 2020
June 9, 2020
23-15 Newtown Avenue, Astoria NY 11102
Co-Presidents- Maria Pedemonte, Barbara Jones
Recording Secretary- Emmanuel Tambakakis
Corresponding Secretary- Malabika Das
Co-Treasurers- Michelle Rappa, Lateshe Lee
Parliamentarian-Julissa Alvarado
Parent Association
2019-2020 School Year Executive Board
Co-Presidents- Maria Pedemonte, Barbara Jones, MBA
Recording Secretary- Emmanuel Tambakakis
Corresponding Secretary- Malabika Das
Co-Treasurers- Lateshe Lee, Michelle Rappa
Parliamentarian- Julissa Alvarado
Title I Representative- Emma Johnson